[b]Sol, Several Million Kilometers from Asteroid Belt[/b] A vortex was ripped in central Sol, but it seemed to only remain open and close thereafter. There wasn't any detectable vessel or probe, but that was only as it appeared to the naked, inattentive eye. A slight, barely noticeable distortion could be seen moving past Jupiter but what it was couldn't be determined. After about thirty minutes of flight and evasive maneuvers, the distortion warped and cleared as a black Sazkarjhit warship seemingly appeared from nowhere. Three vents in the midsection of the craft sprayed irradiated clouds of reactor coolant, which flash froze into a bright blue mist that drifted past the ship's engines, which lit up with a bright light (mostly concealed by reflective cover plates) as the ship lurched forward. The ship was about 435 meters long, seemingly in two parts stacked in tandem. On top was the main section of the ship, two wedges seemingly fused together, then flaring out towards the rear to accommodate the engines and the low bridge that blended into the ship's smooth, jagged-plate contours. The front of the hull tapered downwards and made a connection to a lower part, which was shaped like a sharp keel that extended towards the back before flowing upwards, sealing the connection. The middle was hollow; but attached to hardpoints were modules for a small station; a reconnaissance post perhaps. On either side of the ship were boxy implements that had three holding tubes for antimatter missiles. On the keel was a Mark III HyperLance Plasma Emitter, which pulsed dully as it activated, and a single magnetic accelerator cannon, the coils extending its length lighting up. While not exactly built for combat in the sense, Samani-Class Prowlers are still regarded as excellent warships serving in the People's Navy of Sazkarjhia. Their effectiveness in battle is questionable--they have a light armament compared to other ships and thus are better for hit-and-run strikes--they excel with their stealth capabilities. This particular prowler, the PNSS [i]Reverence in Silence[/i], is one of the finest ships of the line, with an efficient reactor capable of maintaining a stealth field for up to ten cycles, and High Marshal Turani'dum was one of the finest available captains for such a vessel. When first given the assignment by High Command, the veteran sailor did not trust the information she received. Most Prowler captains did reconnaissance, sabotage, or assault from orders given by higher ups in the PNS, so when Marshal Turani'dum heard that her orders came from the Sazkarjhia Bureau of Clandestine Operations she was not happy. [i]But, an order [/i]is[i] an order.[/i] she thought to herself with a sigh as she looked out the polarized glass window of the stealth ship's bridge, seeing large metallic asteroids drift lazily across around Sol as if they were the star's own rings. "Ma'am, nearing target destination" her senior astrogation officer declared. She acknowledged the report and quickly brought up the mission manifest to her control panel for her to reread. [b]SAZKARJHIA CENTER OF CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS ORDER REPORT A009312 TO: [CODENAME] SPECTRAL APPARITION FROM: [CODENAME] CORCAHN CORCAHN DETAILS: SPECTRAL APPARITION, you are to report to the following coordinates in System [REDACTED] at [XX,XX,XX] to establish an observation post. Keep in mind that if you're seen, you are under their government's jurisdiction and any revealing of Sazkarjhit operations are regarded as high treason under the Vesselage and the Empire; a crime we are certain you know the punishments of. You have been equipped with a garrison of PNS Deep Space Insertion Units among other technicians for maintenance and defense of the station. This post will remain in use until we state otherwise. Make sure that where it's placed is on something suitable that will not face destruction or witness from any major group in System [REDACTED], as this can severely jeopardize our operations. You are not allowed to question any operator of the purpose of the station other than it is to be used for observation. Once your mission is complete you will report back to System [REDACTED] at NAVAL REFIT STATION 001 for debrief. Are these orders clear? [Y/N][/b] She had already input her response quite some time ago, before even journeying into Slipstream Space. However, she always felt it was good to review commands before she began them. No need to make unnecessary mistakes. [i]Reverence in Silence[/i] began firing turning jets as it maneuvered through and around asteroids and clouds of micrometeorites, all while making sure the ship was undetected. Once she approached the desired coordinates, she sighed with relief as a sizable asteroid moved right into view. She quickly ordered the deployment of the station. The modules had rocket pods attached, which fired as they were released from their hardpoints. The modules formed together into a twenty man station and descended onto the asteroid, the lack of strong gravity making it somewhat easier to affix a place. Shortly later, [i]Reverence[/i] was sent a notice that the station had settled. A shuttle carrying the workers and a Basilisk-Class escort followed. The shuttle landed on a designated landing pad and affixed an umbilical of sorts to the station. The Basilisk landed next to it, and the pilot in EVA gear stepped out after some time. If the station were attacked it'd make up for their general lack of defense. After this, [i]Reverence in Silence[/i] recloaked and powered down her engines, trying to conserve power as they awaited further orders.