[b]Name[/b] Sandra Kraft [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Age[/b] 21 [b]Physical Appearance[/b] [img=http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/1-1052182795.png] She stands about 5'2'' at about 118 pounds. [b]Skills[/b] Sandra is a merchant by trade and so she has a good grasp of arithmetic and economics as well as charisma. She's not unfamiliar with using a dagger but has never had any training. By far her most valuable skill is her mercantilism but she does also cook and has yet to marry. [b]Personality[/b] Clever and self-sufficient, Sandra does her best to make sure she is getting a good deal out of any affair. She is a sweet girl and considerate of others, not exactly intimidating in any way but this can be a blessing also. Once she's at the negotiating table her innocent looks and cheery attitude can mask an attack that can take even the best merchants by surprise. [B]Biography[/b] Sandra was an orphan born in the highlands somewhere. Her adoptive father was a merchant who owned a small shop in the town of Laythe where they lived. Sandra started working as her father's apprentice almost as soon as she could walk. She learned the craft from the ground up. It didn't take long for her to become competent enough to run their shop on her own. By the time she was 17 her father would regularly leave on day trips to the neighboring towns to bring in shipments while Sandra would run the shop. It seemed like everything was going their way until one day her father didn't return from his usual day trip. Some people might dismiss it as being late but Sandra knew her father was a meticulous man and was always punctual. If he hadn't shown up yet it was because something had happened to him. She tried to retrace his steps but it was as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth. She had to find out what happened to him so she started to investigate. This lead to the discovery of other disappearances. Sandra couldn't just leave it alone so she sold her family shop to get enough capital for a horse and cart with plenty left over and has been putting her merchant skills to use in order to support herself. Recently she has brought furs to a town called