It was a hard journey for Kiara. Over the weeks it had taken them to move at her pace, her arm had started to heal. Ostus was right, she was lucky that it had not gotten infected, but it was the least of her worries. Though her skin was healing, and she could move her arm more than she had been able to that first day, Kiara feared it would never be the same. Luckily for the two, the skill of the Callum assassins was unmatched by any others who tried to attack them. They took each one down easily, even with her bad arm. When they'd gotten through the mountains, Kiara was thankful she could once again put on that awful peasant's dress. It was uncomfortable, and got in the way, but it was better than the strips she had been wearing to cover her chest. The spare shirts they had were being used as bandages, and she could not afford to tear up the dress just so it could be used as a top. It was strange to be so... exposed. Showing skin, especially that much of it, was not something that people of her status did. Something about keeping the mystery as well as their virtue. It had never really mattered to her, it's not like she had anyone to show off to. It hadn't taken long to reach the camp they were now resting in. Once they'd reached Berinike, the terrain was less frightening. There were small mountains everywhere, but there were also paths through them that people were constantly taking. The danger here was that it was easy to see that they were not from the country. Her hair made it than anything else she could have said or done. Because of this, she'd taken to wearing it up and covered with anything she could find when they were anywhere that people might see it. She stood on the top of the hill alone, staring at the walls of the city they would reach the next day. It was not that Kiara and Ostus were not getting along. That would have been normal and accepted. It was more that they were avoiding each other. She was not sure of his reasoning, but hers was easy. What was the point of becoming close with someone she was probably never going to see? More importantly... the way her heart fluttered every time she looked at him was frightening. Terrifying in a way that she could not even put into words. The more time she spent with him, the more confused she felt, and so in the end she discovered it was just easier to be alone. Tomorrow he would leave her, and she would be on her own once more. Her gaze found him, and there was a sadness in her eyes that she could not hide. Kiara would miss him. Despite everything, all the fights, all the insults, she considered him her friend. He had kept her company, had listened to her worries, and had taken care of her. He had not once complained about the slowed pace - at least not to her face - and had protected her when she was having trouble doing so herself. Kiara held her hand out, preparing to lean against a tree before she remembered there were none to help her keep her balance. What would she do alone in a place where everyone saw her as the enemy?