[b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4iGZxO-8mw]Warakuma High – Room #118, Archery Club[/url] A club meeting was lively for once, the room filled with laughter and border-line shouting. The first years awkwardly huddled together in the corners near the door, watching in near horror as the senior members of the Archery Club argued about whatever; who should join, why some random Western music was playing, how we should spend their funds, when they should start advertising the club around campus, and what now. Sato, being the vice president, observed Rokoru-san (the club president who basically appointed himself the leader back when he was a first year) as he quickly rejected and agreed with any ideas his underclassmen suggested. It was almost admirable how decisive and informed he was about the club’s needs, but it also struck Sato that it wasn’t a very democratic way of decided things. Rokoru-san seemed to be extremely wise about what he does, so the fact that it was an entirely one-sided discussion didn’t bother him [i]that[/i] much. After what felt like their entire lunch break, the group of seniors broke apart, revealing Rokoru to be at the front of the rooms, arms folded in a confident way. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, someone leaned over and clicked a button on the stereo, halting the music instantly. A brief moment later and Rokoru returned his view to face the entire room in general. Ryouta, who was sitting next to Sato, kicked him in the shin and discretely motioned towards Rokoru, an envelope and some kind of card sticking out of the older-looking student’s pocket. It didn’t take long for Sato to realize that it was the prize for the person who recruited the most new members. From what he’d learned, no one had really gotten many people to join, so the whole competition was basically “Who Could Get More Than One Person To Join.” It was clear that the whole recruitment scheme they had thought of worked, as there was at least double the amount of people there usually was in the room the school lent them to hold meetings in. They had an actual archery range to practice in and hang out, but there was simply no room to store and deal with documents and such. Rokoru clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention, and after which he returned to folding his arms across his chest. “So,” he panned across the room, stopping on the newbies. “As hopefully all of the current members know, there was a competition to see who could recruit the most new people into our Archery club would receive a monetary prize.” Half the people in the room leaned forward as soon as they saw the man in front of them pull out the envelope from his back pocket. Sato wondered how he had managed to slip the gift card into it so discretely and quickly, but his attention almost immediately snapped back to the important matter on hand. “And we’re here to both announce the winner and address those new here who were enlisted by our members.” “And so, the winner is…” For dramatic effect, Rokoru opened the envelope slowly, despite already knowing the winner. “Mika-chan.” Sato glanced over to a girl he recognized from his class that morning, Moriyama-san. Based on the fact that Rokoru had used both her first name and called her [i]-chan[/i], Sato inferred they had some kind of close relationship, but that wasn’t the point. Yeah, he had only recruited one person (Nagata-san), but it still made him salty to have lost. Irregardless of his feelings, Sato joined in on the applause as the prez congratulated and gave Kagawa her reward. Sato quickly announced that all members were required to meet up at the archery range after classes ended, or they would face punishment via laps around the running track for an entire meeting, before breaking up the crowd of people so they could all finally go get something to eat. Ryouta left quickly to go catch up with his classmates, and Rokoru remained behind to deal some paperwork the school gave him with some random food item he obtained from a vending machine on hand. Sato stretched his arms out above his head before walking away from Room #118. Rokoru had brought Sato something from the vending machine in exchange for 1.5x the cost, and he had decided to go to one of the school's currently "vacant" rooms where several of the sports clubs went to store equipment to go eat it.