It's been twelve years since the death of the dark lord on the very grounds of Hogwarts, the blood of the casualties still fresh between cracks of stone and dirt. There is a new headmaster at Hogwarts, new teachers, and new students to tell new stories in the aftermath of the dark lord's fall. It's been quiet and peaceful for the past few years, and no sign of trouble seems to be present, except for the usual rivalry of house Gryffindor and house Slytherin. ----- Main feature: A month into the new school year at the prime school of wizardy, a student is contacted by a mysterious person claiming to be a Death-Eater, and is recruited to be the spy at Hogwarts for the Legacy of Lord Voldemort. ----- staff listing here - Hogwarts maps - 8-12 lectures 12-15 free hours 18 outdoors curfew 21 indoors curfew - a note on the mechanism of day advancement - rules rules rules * spy will be contacted by pm... *none of the books or tv students will be initially present at Hogwarts.. *basic knowledge of HP lore, terminology and history required blah blah rules rules rules - character sheet - If interested post below, I will PM you once I put up the RP thread, gonna be in a week to two max.