Her last night? Kiara stared back at the city as she thought. It was almost as if Ostus was projecting his regrets onto her. This was her last night to do whatever she wanted. It took her breath away that all she wanted to do was spend time with him, and yet no matter how much she tried to think of something else: food, drinking, sleeping, there was nothing. The only image in her mind was that of the night they'd danced around the fire. For that one song, she was fully and wholly herself. She had not worried about the people around her, her reputation. She had not been thinking of her future or her past. The prince and the wedding had not even been in her thoughts. It was to that place that she wanted to go back, and she was afraid that after tonight she would never be able to again. All of her life she'd been told what to do and who to be. Think of the people and do the best for them. Don't talk too loud or too much. Watch the language, no one likes a vulgar princess. Dress modestly and don't get to close to any man. Don't let them touch you. Don't get too friendly with the commoners. Keep up appearances. Don't chuckle or giggle or chortle. Be graceful and beautiful. Put down the weapons and stop fighting the soldiers. Don't show emotion, be confident, and stop fidgeting. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. It was crazy, what she was about to ask him, but he'd wanted to know what she'd like to do, and this was it. So, Kiara walked towards their own small fire, humming a slow tune she barely remembered. If she spoke, the song would pause and then she'd have to start over. Instead, she held her hands out to Ostus, swaying from side to side with a shy smile on her face. If he denied her this one thing, she was not sure what she would do.