[b]Alas Prime[/b] "We understand, although we would have wished you appeared here in person. I have already introduced myself, but the rest of the Immortals are Princess Aaliyah, Prince Orion, and Princess Adeline" spoke David. A female stepped forward, identifying herself as Aaliyah, speaking to the Vesselage. "Greetings, may you have good fortune in all of your ventures." Prince Orion stepped forward next "It is a honor to meet you vesselage, I wish for lasting peace between our two nations." Finally Princess Adeline stepped forward. "Welcome to the Eternal Union, I wish I had more to say, but the other Immortals have already spoken what I would have said." Prince David spoke up again. "We refer to ourselves as Immortals as we will live forever, so long as we do not get killed in any other way, but old age will not phase us. We are a combination of all 3 of the sub-types of Iscandarians, and our abilities with magic are vastly expanded. We have become a Immortal, and and have ascended to the leaders of our nations due to our great contributions to the Eternal Union. I for example, was the one who united all Iscandarian Nations under one banner, thus forming the Eternal Union. Now, on the subject of magic, we can feel it coming through you. It is faint, but not because of distance." spoke David. The magic of Alas Prime and the Immortals could be felt through the Vesselage's link. It was a greater pool of energy then they had ever felt before, a vast ocean of it. [b]Station Orbiting New Condia, Colony World[/b] New Condia was a new colony, on the edges of Eternal Space. On a station orbiting it however, the crew saw the ships coming through. "What the hell is going on? Nothing's picking them up, radar, sonar, or any other system of detection. Magical detection systems are but the signal is faint." spoke a officer, looking out the window. "I have confirmed with other stations, there seeing the same thing. No system will pick them up and magical ones are only registering very faint signals. Command station is already beeping at them to confirm who they are, but they don't seem to be responding." responded another Cadet, looking at the officer. "What have we got in terms of defenses?" asked the officer. "Not much, most of the stations have some kinda of guns and shields, but the planteray shield has yet to be activated, and is to risky to active. We also got 5 new frigates that were built and sent here for some training missions, as the crew on board all 5 are mostly new graduates from the various academies." said the Cadet. "Well, atleast High Command back on Alas Prime already knows, they said there preparing a whole fleet fleet ready in-case things go nasty." spoke the officer, ending the conversation.