Quite unlike the rest of his peers and friends, Fonsus was undisturbed by the looming tests ahead. However, he kept to his word with River and conquered the piling homework during study hall. His grades miraculously rose as he put almost as much effort into the classes as his experiments. Which his mother was joyful to hear and was surprisingly eager to invite Richard and River over. Currently, Fonsus frowned at Gus. He sat at a table in the club, being unusually still and quiet. No muttering under his breath or scratching of a quill. No books splayed around him. No catastrophic end of another failed spell crackling in the air. He was a statue. It was hard to tell if he was breathing until he lifted his head and turned to his friends, and Cae. “What if it’s a dead end?” He finally voiced his worry. He spoke about their upcoming adventure. “What do we do then? It’s a long shot already. I don’t really want to bring negativity to the table. But I just can’t not think about it.”