Ostus watched as Kiara stepped closer to the fire, humming slow tune to herself. Her body began to sway to the melody; his gaze followed her every move in spite of himself. The princess surely knew how to dance; he loved simply watching her. He raised both eyebrows in surprise when she held out her hands, extending her offer to him. It was one thing to dance with Kiara to an upbeat tune in the presence of others doing the same thing. It was quite another dancing along with her to a slower song. It was the sort of thing that couples in love did, or so he surmised, so why in the heavens would she choose to do such a thing with him? If he was smart, if he was wise, he'd decline the offer. He had no business dancing with the betrothed princess of Astora. Tomorrow she would meet her future husband. Soon, the two would wed. And, if the stars aligned and the pair actually got along, he would be the one slow-dancing with Kiara under the stars, enjoying the sight of her swaying body and the soothing song of her voice. Yet Ostus could not turn away, could not say no. Instead, his expression softened as he walked towards her, reaching out to take her hands in his. He pulled Kiara close to him -- as close as he dared, as close as was necessary, which was probably too close. He dared to rest his hands on her hips, just as he had that enchanting night at the caravan, and began to sway with her. He was even so bold as to gaze into those eyes, eyes he'd probably never see again. He would leave tomorrow, but tonight Ostus was here, with Kiara. He told himself that he was merely doing what she wanted to do, nothing more, that he wasn't forcing her or tricking her in doing anything else. Besides, it was just dancing, nothing more. He had done far more with women he had just met; why was this such a big deal? He allowed himself to relax, to simply enjoy himself with her. After all they've been through, they both deserved this.