Nora could hear footsteps coming down the hall from the lifts. The Doctor ran up the flights of stairs. One of the men pinging on her machine was running from the lift toward the room Nora and her sister were in. The door was open. Nora! Her heart pounded. She had promised to protect them, and failed. These men were going to take them and Earth would be doomed. She steeled herself. She was the Doctor. She wouldn't allow that. The man who had struggled with Evie and been hit over the head, saw black spots form before his eyes. He hadn't expected the attack. He looked up and saw Nora standing there over him. The spots grew in his field of vision and he collapsed, still laying on top of Evie, now a dead weight on her small body. The man in front of the Doctor turned into the room and took a few seconds to assess the situation. The girl in front of him was from earlier, and his comrade was unconscious on the ground. He knew they needed both girls. He wasn't aware that the Doctor was just a few doors down. He started to launch himself toward Nora on the attack.