Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but I have a few. [list] [*]I really hate fandom Roleplays that butcher what the actual fandom or series is based on. I mean, I understand that playing a canon character is at times, extremely difficult and people have a hard time portraying them correctly. But there's a massive difference between having a difficulty portraying them opposed to totally butchering them for the sake of story (I [i]especially[/i] hate this as pairing-based).[/*] [*]I have an issue with people who bring drama into OOC. I understand that human nature is flawed and sometimes we get angry, upset or offended. It's likely going to happen, but I absolutely despise it when people bring it into [u][b]my[/b][/u] OOC. To be fair, this rarely happens, but when you offer the suggestion to listen to venting, you'd think people would just take the offer instead of making a scene with other users.[/*] [*]When people won't Roleplay with you or your character because they disagree with your characters morals. Characters are like people -- they are racist, prejudice, they have fears and they have hate. Some are just bitter bastards. I absolutely [i]hate[/i] it when people believe that your characters actually reflect your own personal beliefs. And this actually does happen, though it's mostly, as I've noticed, on other sites.[/*][/list] Those a few things I just need to vent. Sorry if these have already been stated, :"D.