Hello, all. Thank you very much for your interest in this project, and I hope to see it live up to your expectations. If you're wondering why this is in the "Advanced" section, it's because it was recently pointed out to me that due to my high standards of post type, this is where it belongs. However, post length remains at the "Casual" RP level, though I would like to see high quality. Quality over quantity. [b]Here in the OOC[/b] Here, you may talk if you want, chat if you want, complain if you want, etc, but you may not share info of your party's whereabouts or any other related information... at least, I'd prefer if you didn't for the sake of the RPs continuity. I may, however, provide you with the opportunity to do so if said continuity is compromised and could benefit from it. If situations to do with the RP are changed or compromised, I will also share it here. [b]Over in the IC[/b] The IC is essentially a place for some of Galileo's role-playing as well as the Labyrinth's itself when it applies to all or multiple parties. Due to this, subscribing to this thread is [i][b]crucial[/b][/i]. Also due to this, your parties will be given names (that will be revealed to you in the party's messages) so you know what information applies to you. I cannot stop you from reading information that does not apply to your party, but do your best to avoid using it through meta-gaming. [b]Parties and Party Messages[/b] While we're on the topic of parties, you should all know that your preference of being in one was taken into account, but was not necessarily the deciding factor on your starting party, or lack thereof. Obviously, no aspect of a party is permanent: you may switch parties (or join them) however you like if and when you encounter others. This of course is if they allow you to; everyone here is already a stranger. In fact, as a role-player you should know you have no reason to stay with your starting party whatsoever and may disband right away if that is what you wish. However, every message thread that involves parties must be started by me and will all have the same beginning tagline of [The Summoner's Labyrinth] to keep things organized. When parties meet, I will create a separate message thread for it. Yes, this game will fill your inbox, but you should've known that going in. OOC in party messaging will simply be done in OOC brackets, [which you might be familiar with if you've role-played in certain formats], but if you're not it's done just like that. Anything you want to say out-of-character is typed in brackets, or if your group prefers I'll make an OOC for your group, but I find that to be inefficient and am a huge fan of [OOC brackets] as they are a time and space saver. Again, if you are not as much a fan, I apologize and we can make an OOC for your party. [b]PvP[/b] Some may argue that it's not technically a 'PvP' game, but it does involve it and so it must contain some guidelines for when it inevitably happens. Most are very basic, but it's best we be clear on things so that this, the part of the project with the most variables, goes well: [list] [*]Discussion during combat is crucial. I don't need to see your discussion, so obviously PMing the person on the receiving end is optimal, but really as long as the discussion gets done. Warning shots and the like are free game, however. [/*] [*]Use wording such as "fires at", "rushes at", "compels to", and so on. You cannot control someone else's character and choose their fate or actions, and must leave space for reaction. [/*] [*]Following with the above, be reasonable on the [b]receiving end[/b] as well. As you all should know by now, I leveled your characters to the same floor/roof so you would be equal matches for each other. You are not above anyone in all categories, so you cannot play God-mod forever and never take a hit. If something fits all reason to happen to you, you should accept it.[/*] [*]As the GM (Galileo-Man!), I obviously reserve the right to make you accept certain fates. However, I am not fond of watching you die unnecessarily and will reflect that.[/*] [*]NPCs are technically a "public use" set of characters. However, the owner/creator of the NPC always has precedent over their property.[/*] [*]Honestly, when considering PvP fighting, just think about what's fair and you should be fine.[/*][/list] [b]Alterations in the Labyrinth[/b] This plane of existence is not your characters element, regardless of who you are, so you do not know all that happens here -- I suggest getting used to playing confused. Some of you have been told some things that you will notice immediately, or possibly notice later, and some of you may never see any changes depending on your actions, though it's highly unlikely. Most of these changes are not character specific and they are for everyone, but that doesn't mean it will effect you enough for you or your character to ever know. No one is stopping your character from sharing their discovered information, as well. Also, some characters were altered when they entered by our great arcane -- if this has happened to your character, I've already told you or will tell you before you enter. [b]Continuity and Flow[/b] It should be noted that, seeing as this is a party-style RP that I will be overseeing, that I am essentially playing a tabletop RPG GM in addition to controlling Galileo. Some of you may or may not be used to it, but if you've ever had a GM tell you something does, can, or can't happen and oversees the game in that fashion, it's pretty much just that factor in consistency with the addition that I will be describing your environment. As I have you all mapped, I can't exactly allow you to free roam in description of most places, but it will happen I am sure, as long as you are understanding. Ultimately, I am the Labyrinth and my actions will be your situation. Welcome to The Summoner's Labyrinth Project. [Hider=Lore] [b][center]Lore[/center][/b] [b]Galileo[/b], the great arcane, has grown weary of the lack of challenges the universe and its many dimensions have for him, for his powers are great and no other seems to hold even the dimmest of candles to his prowess. In fact, it was this dullness that gnawed at him now that had caused him to begin traveling between dimensions in the first place: boredom. The sickness of being simply and barely content weighed on him so, driving him mad – even more so than when he gained these powers to begin with…. It had been several eras before, the actual time period depending on what universe you hailed from. Galileo had stumbled upon powers, skills, traits, and abilities he had not deserved, but took them anyway and immediately abandoned and forgot his former life and identity, now claiming himself to be a God of sorts. Searching his mind, racking his brain, he sought and sought for a way to dull the apathy eating away at his eternal soul… until…. [i]“Yes, yes... of course…. I’m not the only piece, am I? This isn’t even the only board, so why am I confined to the entertainment only I as a player can provide?!”[/i] Even in his realm, the idea of separate dimensions had been tossed around from theorist to scientist to arcane alike, yet none of them held that which Galileo possessed…. The power of a God, and the boredom and carelessness of a child. It mattered naught what abilities those in his own realm were limited to if he could manage to travel to others and hopefully find other powerful beings to observe or toy with. And without even the slightest hesitation or interest in earning the title of being the first of his realm to achieve this feat, Galileo swiftly developed a technique for traveling over, under, through and between the many borders separating the universes and dimensions, immediately jumping from one to the other in search of his entertainment. As you might guess, this also did not serve to satisfy him for very long. Although there appeared to be endless universes and worlds within them to explore, exploration was not what the arcane sought. Those universes also held beings of great stature, which excited Galileo, but there seemed to be something still missing. It was a great deal of time before Galileo admitted to himself that he wasn’t enough the intellectual to solve the curious case that was the illness of his contentment, and so he began seeking ideas in the minds of others; who else had access to a better focus group than someone who could travel between worlds? It was quite a long journey of knowledge gathering and discarding before Galileo found himself on a planet known as Earth in a simple yet expanding universe, exchanging pleasantries with a Mr. Edward Alexander Crowley. The languages of the world took our arcane no time at all to learn, but their conversation was brief because, suddenly, time itself seemed to stop as the answer became clear to Galileo. He left Mr. Crowley with only the following words while Galileo’s hand rested on his shoulder: “Remember this day, Sir Crowley, because with your help and by the power of knowledge, I, in life, have conquered all universes!” The phrase was uttered moments before the arcane slipped through the dimension’s borders once more, leaving Crowley looking to be a madman. Unfortunately for that world’s prime inhabitants known as humans, the phrase was extremely valuable in knowledge and power, but it wouldn’t be discovered for quite some years that this phrase did not properly translate. The answer blessed upon our dear time-skipper and world-skimmer that day, dear readers, was of course [b]The Summoner’s Labyrinth.[/b] Of all the amazing specimen he had encountered in the many places he had come across, why hadn’t he thought of such a thing before? He had met them, yes, but the problem lied in that THEY had not met EACH other! They were separated, forced apart by the laws of existence and confined to their own realms and times, but how fortunate of them to be discovered by the great Galileo, and how thankful they’d be to be blessed with his focus once more. Thankful right away? Probably not, but come due time and they’d all be bowing down to him, thanking him for this opportunity to dance with him this eternal dance of solace forever, never to be bored again. And so, with all of his might and the remainder of himself, Galileo did as he imagined all dimensions were created and intertwined himself with existence and the multiverse itself to create a realm, a universe, a dimension separate of the others, yet one governed by similar laws – one created by him to house he and those worthy for eternity and further after the exam is finished and the first game is played, which just so happens to be a maze full of the inhabitants of other worlds Galileo has encountered during his journey through space, time, and the multiverse that Galileo has deemed able to survive here. However, he has deemed a secondary prize to his eternal company: a wish of their own, no matter how many victors there may be.[/hider]