Sorry, I kind of had stuff to do and forgot about this XP Anyways sup Ven and [quote=arowne97] Name: James HunterAge (cannot be below 18 as this seems to be the age limit of potential targets): 19Appearance: Bio (everyone lived in the human world, and was transported here at some point): (I'll put this later, unless it can just be TBR)Skills (hunting, combat, ect.): all forms of combat, hunting, foraging, perception(actually paying attention to details and keeping an eye out for threats)Weapons (if any): twin bladed pistols Power (by the rules of the universe, a person can have one starting power): enhanced agility(not quite superhuman)Equipment (armor, canteen of water, food, rape whistle, ect.): cigarettes, armored gauntlets(he wears these for combat purposes), a towing chain(You'll see what this is for later)Vices (everone has a vice or fear, and there are many creatures here to be fearful of): (I'll figure this out later) [/quote] Awesome, also check the rules again reaaaal quick...