Running. Running. Gotta keep running. Damnit, damnit….why did they have to send him? Of all people; was she really that much of a threat? Apparently so, as the girl with the long coat and the blazing red hair continued running for her life, weaving past street corners and scouting ahead for potential safe-zones. Nothing yet but…ah, there was a place! A small house that didn’t seem like anyone lived there, or at least they were gone for the night. No lights were turned on…this was a good thing. Exuding the last bit of her energy, Kiara Bastion leaped forward and hid near one of the Imperium issued garbage baskets near each and every home, waiting for the sentry units to pass by. Once they did, she released a sigh of relief before searching around the building for an open window. Until she could formulate a new strategy, this would become her temporary home for now.