Prometheus stood within the Realm of the Forgotten Gods before the one deity that still had the skill and strength to help him. “Please Gaia, I beg of you, grant my request so that my plan can go further. “A hundred years ago I would have had the strength to do what you ask, but not any more. It it wasn't for the so-called “new age movement” and the occasional environmentalist, I wouldn't be here any more. I would have passed on, like the others. I must keep my environment restoration projects going or I will use the few followers I have. I cannot spare the energy to revive Kronos.” Prometheus held his necklace in his hand, the spark within it only the merest fraction of what it once was, then sighed. “I will give you the energy you need to do this. I have only a few hundred years left anyway. If this plan doesn't work, none of us will live for long.” “Very well.” She nodded at the necklace glowed, giving her most of the energy it contained. When it was done, Prometheus lowered his head, much weakened from the loss of energy. “I will now do as you asked. Gaia waved her hand and Kronos appeared before them, asleep. He soon awoke, however, and stood. “Why am I here?” he asked. “Have people started believing in me once more?” “I'm afraid not.” said Prometheus. “As soon as your energy subsides, you will return to the deathlike state to which we are all doomed. Before then, however, I need you to do something for me. You must send my mind back in time, to the year 311 AD, when the Roman Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity. That is when I believe we started to fall. I was released from my prison shortly afterwords to combat the Judeo-Christian God and his forces. If you send be back, I can make sure that we do not stand by while “He” defies the ancient laws and usurps our thrones.” “I don't have the strength to do this. Besides, you will not remember most of what has transpired since then and we will once again be in this predicament.” “As for the first, I can give you all but a few days worth of energy out of what is left in the Primordial Fire. And as for the second, my powers of premonition should allow me to recover most of the knowledge over time. I am used to having future knowledge, and my mind should be able to accept it.” Kronos thought for a while, then nodded. “I do not know how accurate it will be, so I must send you back early. The extra time will allow you to recover your knowledge.” “Very well,” sighed Prometheus, then he prepared himself. After transferring most of the energy from his necklace into Kronos, he felt a surge and opened his eyes. Another day being revived on this rock, he thought, but something is wrong. I feel as though I shouldn't be here. And so more than two hundred years passed before Zeus released him. Every time Prometheus awoke from death, he remembered more of that nightmare future in which the gods had fallen, and new gods ruled. -------------------------------------- I've tried this concept on another forum, but it didn't get off the ground. So, here it is. This is a RP about the ancient gods, and there loss of power following the Roman Empires conversion to Christianity. You will take on the role of an ancient deity, or for that matter, any mythological being with god-like power, including Arch-angels and demons. We'll be trying to maintain our power, or fighting to gain more. Simply choose a deity and and write it's character sheet down here, including its powers, to join. As a point of reference, I see the gods in this story as half Tulpa. While they don't truly die if people forget about them, they gain strength from belief in them, and even more from prayer to them. Name: Prometheus Pantheon: Greek (Barely) Powers: strength, endurance, rapid regeneration (slice him into small pieces and he's only down 36-48 hours, far less for lesser wounds), premonitions, Energy transference/ blast. Skills: Diplomacy, strategy Equipment: Primordial Fire (a miniature universe that will, in its frame of reference, collapse in a matter of seconds. In ours it will last for 40k to 50k years. Max output of however much energy impacts the Earth from the sun, and will last for about 2000 years. He can't use that much in the past, however, and only used it in the future to maintain the pocket dimension they lived in.)