[quote=Cynder] I really hate fandom Roleplays that butcher what the actual fandom or series is based on. I mean, I understand that playing a canon character is at times, extremely difficult and people have a hard time portraying them correctly. But there's a massive difference between having a difficulty portraying them opposed to totally butchering them for the sake of story (I especially hate this as pairing-based). [/quote] This is part of the reason that when I do fandom based RPs, I have a semi-solid no-canon character clause. I much prefer original characters using an established setting. People seldom ever get the feel or mannerisms down for a canon character, and I gotta agree; using them for a romance vehicle is eye roll worthy at best, projectile vomit inducing at worst. More often than not, the use of canon characters is for little more than to indulge in a personal fantasy, I find, which isn't really a problem in fanfics as much as it is in roleplays.