After Lady Yuna made sphere hunting so popular, you have seen another spectrum to it; profitability. People have and will pay greatly for memories of their loved ones, ancestors or just information. Spheres hold all kinds of information, whether it be a trail to treasure, or a guide to unlocking forgotten magics. You are led to Luca, where the sphere-hunting boom has originated. Everyone is renting property to open up their guilds and make a profit. Unfortunately, most are filled up. After searching for what seems days you come to a rickety building with a wooden sign, that is blank blowing in the wind. It's making a creaking noise, because it needs oiled. Upon opening the door you meet Cid, the guild master. "Aye, might I interest you in a bit of drink, treasure, and adventure? What is this place you ask? Hell, I haven't named it yet." This is a teaser, hope you all like it!