Nora winced as the man she had hit with the lamp fell unconscious right on top of her sister. She took a step forward, as though to attempt pulling him off of her, when the sound of footsteps filled her ears. The Doctor maybe? She looked up in time to see another unrecognizable man at the doorway. He stared down at the unconscious pair on the ground before looking up and seeing Nora. She went very still, looking back at him as her eyes widened. Then he threw propelled himself forward at her. She let out a strangled cry as she dodged him. She nearly fell onto her face as she stumbled away from the attacking man, and her head swiveled around, looking for anyplace to go, anywhere to hide. The doorway was no good, the unconscious people made it a messy exit. She saw the open door of the bathroom and decided that it would have to do. Nora threw herself forward and nearly fell into the bathroom. She kicked the door shut after her and braced herself against it as she fumbled with the lock. She heard it click into place, but didn't stop pushing against it, in case he decided to try and kick it open. Her eyes, which had been closed in concentration, snapped open as she realized she had left Evie alone out there with two men attempting to abduct them. Well, one was unconscious, but the other one might decide to leave him behind and just take her. She wanted to open the door, try to drag Evie to some sort of safety, but if she did she would no doubt get drugged and abducted again. It was too late to go back out and Nora clenched her teeth in frustration. "Come on, Doctor," she nearly growled. She had promised to protect them, where was she?