[b]Sarah's Request[/b] Naream had his eyes closed and was trying to shut out the nagging voice of the other Drow in their party who was berating him for not seeing the trap well ahead of anyone else and that if it hadn't been for her he'd probably resemble a pincushion right now and that she couldn't have been bothered to heal him because obviously he was such a waste of space and effort to have along if he couldn't spot a simple trap on the floor of this temple. Thoughts of possible experimentation on what kind of necromantic death magic might be sufficient to kill the yapping llolth-bitch, that or summoning a golem to see what kind of paste she could be turned into on the floor, though he was resisting to make those thoughts reality because she might have some use, besides the images of her screaming were particularly pleasing to him. Luckily some other distraction came along in the form of a steel door in their way and two side passages also with steel doors, the left passage showing signs of recent travel and what looked like a chisel near the doorway that the Dwarves must have used and left behind... and yet the door was still closed and it seems that the Dwarves had made no dent into it. When the sound of stone colliding with the floor behind him he wasn't that much surprised that the way behind them was closed off, that usually happens in situations like this... almost as if there is some standard plan or guide in how to work ancient temples, tombs or other dungeon type areas of this kind. "Well... now we are locked in." He muttered, he gestured to the left, "Do we first go and look for the small folk, apparently they managed to get that door open somehow, since there's no sign of them and this is the only passage that seems to have seen some travel." He cocked his head to the side. "Yet they didn't force the door open? So they must have found a switch or something? That or something else." He shrugged and looked at the others before stepping back and getting out a tome. "I am not much of a locksmith, so if any of you have such capabilities please go ahead." He said as he looked through the pages of his tome for something in particular. He heard Andrea mutter that she was of no use in this, unless the door was a person, in that case she apparently could have easily convinced it to open and allow them through. He rolled his eyes at that, great she was one of those people. Well at least she hadn't tried to whip anyone or feed anyone to spiders, yet, but that was something at least. "If a switch can't be found." He said, to nobody in the group in particular. "Let me know and I might have something that could... smash through, maybe." He said as he reached the section of his tome that roughly translated to 'Golems Arcana'.