[b]Day one of the invasion of New Condia[/b] As they approached the scenic world from inter planetary space, each cruiser registered various orbital platforms that were most likely defensive in nature, as well as critical ferry supplies from orbit to surface. Each one was targeted as priority one objectives, and the Ethereal ships began to accelerate towards the structures. All except one, which stayed behind to monitor the battle and request reinforcements. They would learn much from this first encounter, and weren't ready to take chances, though there was no way to know exactly how long it would take for other ships to arrive, nor how many would be cleared to support the invasion. For now, all this cruiser could do was fortify it's position, and await for further orders. To further protect itself. the support cruiser released dozens of Matrons especially outfitted to form a 'minefield' of sorts. Each one took a random position around the beacon ship, and extended it's panels to orbit fifty to one hundred feet from the center body of the Constructs. Then, each one activated it's equipped singularity field, and created specialized micro gravity wells to intercept incoming ballistic missile weaponry, which would detonate or be slingshot off course. While perfect coverage was not possible, it would help intercept any kinetic or physical weaponry from damaging the Conduit Ship, critical to the attack. As this was happening, the other three cruisers had approached at top speed, ignoring the organic's communication hails as they extended three shield like plates over the front of the ships, which shifted color from silver to black, forming super ablative reaction armor to withstand any energy weapon hits. These plates utilized entropy resistant materials to boil off damage, protecting core systems and increasing the effectiveness of their shields. Combined, the cruiser could prevent any damage whatsoever, but only to the front. The plates could move slowly to cover the flanks or rear if need be, but that would take time to do. Ethereal military doctrine is to keep your ship facing towards the enemy and strafe to maintain this position. Finally, hundreds of Matrons were prepped for deployment on each ship, fitted with Sisters to drop off, heavy anti vehicular and infantry weapons and various tactical sensors for increased battlefield awareness. Once past the stations, the Cruisers would jettison their cargo to begin ground operations. But that would require the elimination of the orbital defenses, of which could put up a fight. Once within four kilometers, the lead cruiser charged it's Mass Entropy cannon as they all slowed to a halt. Yellow wisps of energy orbited and swirled around the central 'eye' of the cruiser for almost 30 seconds, as it glowed brighter and brighter, before firing the deadly beam directly at the nearest structure and initiating the conflict.