They danced in silence when Kiara's song finally ended. Neither of them seemed to notice. It was this, the feeling of being close to someone, that she had always wanted. She couldn't understand what he was doing to her, only that she did not want him to leave. It didn't matter that they were always fighting because she knew that was her fault. All of her life she had been raised to push people away, especially the ones who's company she enjoyed. But she was tired of that. She was tired of people leaving her alone. For once, she just wanted... Her thoughts were cut off when he reached for her, just like he had that night weeks ago. And just as she had then, she leaned into his hand, and looked up at him. For a moment, Kiara was sure that he would kiss her. She could feel it in his heartbeat, in the way he leaned towards her, and then... he looked down at her and pulled away. For once, it was not her that was running away, it was him. The loss she felt when his body left hers was something she could barely explain. It was as if she were left standing there empty. He was walking away from her now, and she knew she should let him go. It would be the right thing to do. Tomorrow she would meet her future husband and say goodbye to Ostus, possibly forever. This was what got her feet to finally move as she went after him. Kiara barely recognized what she was feeling. All she knew was that seeing him walk away was painful. When she reached him, she grabbed his arm. Her heart hammered against her chest. What she was going to do was crazy, and yet she could not stop herself. It did not matter that it was against all rules, all propriety. This man would be the end of her, she was sure, but she could not bring herself to care. Instead, she stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. If he was going to leave her tomorrow, she wanted this one night. One night where she made her own choice. One night where neither of them walked away. Even if he chose to push her away, she would never forget what she realized in that one moment. In another world, Kiara would have waited all her life just for him.