It was as though she was waking from a dream. An incredible dream, but a dream nonetheless. Here she was, standing in the middle of a city she did not know or belong in. The latter was made obvious by every glare sent her way, every whispered insult that she heard. She did not blame them. She was the enemy after all. Her army had killed their husbands, parents, children. It was only natural that they take out that loss on her. Their comments were not even on the radar of things for her to worry about. Instead, it was the way Ostus was pointedly ignoring her and treating everyone else like they were the dirt on his shoe. Here she was, desperately trying to find a reason for him to stay, even if it meant torturing herself every day and he was so... determined to get her to the castle and leave her. What was it he had said the night before? [i]You just destroyed me.[/i] She had thought he'd felt it too, whatever [i]it[/i] was. Kiara was still unsure about that, but she knew it was stronger than she had anticipated. So strong she had almost gone to him even after he'd pulled away that last time. She would not say it was love, but there was a longing to give her entire self to him even when she should not. A sigh escaped her lips as she tried to get her thoughts off of her guard. What good would it do to continue to think about him? It would only cause problems for her here. It was as he said, he was a knight and she was a princess. It was time she started to act like it once more. So, like him, she reverted to how she had acted before they had taken this trip together. Her hands made its way to her hip, and she stared up at the guard with the confidence only someone of her status could have. Well, someone of her status and Ostus apparently. "Please, disregard the soldier. He seems to have forgotten his place." Her words were icy, meant to hurt. Best that they leave on bad terms. That way she would not be tempted to see him ever again. "We're late, but it is very important that we meet with your King and Queen." With nothing left to say, she tried to turn her attention somewhere else. Anywhere but Ostus. Even now, she wanted him to hold her as he had last night. Never had a man gotten so close to her, never had she wanted one to. But he was different... and that was exactly why he needed to leave. Just as she had thought last night, he would be the end of her. Only now, here in the daylight, it did matter. He could ruin everything she had worked so hard for. And yet, that was exactly why she wanted him to stay.