Jayce finished the last drops of ale from his mug just as Sam came to join them. He wasn't particularly close to the S Class Wizard, and he seemed to only be interested in the new kid. Understandable. Putting the mug down on the table, he looked up at Kalar as he asked about Columba. "Oh, her? She's a new spirit I picked up recently. Her names Columba, the Dove. She went back to the Spirit World after I kinda pissed her off." Jayce laughed it off, but he still regretted acting like such a jerk to her. He'd make sure to apologise to her later. His head started to hurt a little from all the drinking. He raised his hand into the air, yelling towards the bartender. "Can I get some cold water over here? Thanks!" He looked back over to Kalar, laughing as he recalled the events involving Columba. "Nah don't worry about it man. I'm sure she didn't mean to yell at you like that, so don't sweat it. In a couple of weeks I'm sure she'll become as well known around here as Scorpio." Before he could go on to ask about the last job Kalar took, Amelia's voice came booming from her table as she approached Jayce with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Yes yes, Amelia, I give in. It was me who challenged you. Nothing gets past your big, scaly ears." he said mockingly, trying to avoid the grease covered drumstick being waved inches in front of him. He turned over towards the new kid, flashing a smile when Amelia mentioned them being siblings. "He doesn't look nearly as handsome as me, but I suppose he could pass off as my brother. Anyway, that's not important." Jayce stood up, looking her straight in the eye with a smirk. "Let's have a spar, I still haven't gotten my revenge for last time." He clenched his fist, adrenaline rushing through him as he challenged the dragon slayer.