Hello there! I am new to this site, called [b]Awkthony[/b] because.. I'm awkward, and my middle name is Anthony. Yep that's pretty much it. I thought of it in like 3 seconds I should not be proud of this I used to roleplay on other sites, a long, long time ago, and thought maybe I should try to get into it again. God knows I have enough spare time for it. I probably won't jump straight in, I'll try to grasp my bearings on this site before I try anything, so bear with me. And no, not a literal bear. For those who are curious though.. I like most genres but I do love a good fantasy/adventure type thing, but I am really up for anything. Especially if it includes comedy. It may not be my forte but I do enjoy a good laugh I do love to write, and I thought about doing NaNoWriMo this year, however I quickly realised that I need to gain some practice before I try to write a novel, as I haven't done any writing in.. god knows how long. Perhaps next year, though I do believe this may help me get my game back. Other interests do include video games ([i][b]DRAGON AGE[/b][/i]), tumblr, various tv shows, and procrastinating things that I love. So yeah. Hello!