Oh no! I hope he reads that, Komamisa. I'ma message him 'cause I don't like losing people. >_> And I agree about people leaving parties, but I couldn't think of a way around it other than starting a new one for those still in the party.... hm, I suppose since my inbox is already packed I didn't really view it as such a problem and I apologize. While I can't control anyone's decisions, Ionion is right: for the sake of this RP and people who like inbox space, please do not party jump without valid reasoning. Again, this is why I left this up for a bit (unfortunately I fell asleep and it was longer than expected). This is entirely experimental and being up to the task from the start is important. I apologize for the inconveniences it's going to cause, but I'm confident that if this game goes as expected it will be well worth it. ^-^ Hmm... actually, Ziogen, that doesn't seem like a bad idea. Something like that could be applied at any point, I suppose, so I'll keep working on it while we go.