Name: Altheia Age: 500 (Doesnt keep track) Gender: Female Nationality: Arnor Appearance: Altheia stands above most humans, though not by too much. She stands at a staggering 7'0" and sports a lithe frame muscled by practical, lean muscles formed from constant combat. Her back sports a scar running from her right shoulder down to her left side and her collarbone sports a similar scar running from her left shoulder down to just above her left breast. Her features are a good mix of curves and sharp angles, granting her a very exotic beauty that hearkens to a nearly predatory air. Her hair is worn very long, reaching down to her waist in its loose braid. Her skin tone is pale, almost ashen, and sports a slight blue cast. Her hair is almost pure white save for a very slight blue tint. Her hair is about four shades darker than her skin. Her eyes strike people quickly. They are solid orbs of sapphire and lack a pupil. When in her armor, the only parts not covered by lamellar plating is her joints. Her gauntlets have slightly extended plates to allow coverage of her elbow when her arm is straight and her shin plates do the same for her knees. Her entire body is covered in chainmail over padded cloth under the lamellar. Her hair hangs freely from the back of the helm. Her mouth holds what seem to be average teeth at first until one notices that her canines are long than normal and the incisors on each side of her canines also ends in a sharp point and extend slightly beyond that of her other incisors. When not in her armor, she normally goes barefoot and wears a long, practical dress that brushes her ankles as she walks. The dress sports an interesting aspect. Very fine steel chainmail is sewn between the two cloth layers, thus giving her very minimal protection in case of ambush. Equipment: Healing plants (common plants equivalent to Estus), 2 falcatas, 1 schiavona, padded cloth armor covered with steel chainmail followed by full-body steel lamellar, two specially made gauntlets for parrying, steel corinthian helmet (less than inch space between cheek plates, nose guard extends into space, forming a nearly full face helm), Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring, two daggers in boots (Mostly used for utility and eating) Backstory: Altheia grew up among demons. She had to fight to survive, had to kill to eat, and had to prove her worth at all times. Early in her life, about 150 years after birth, she got into a fight with a demon. His ally decided to attack her from behind. The demon attacked from the front. Both connected and drew blood. She retaliated and killed both, but the scars were permanent and became the only blemishes to her otherwise perfect skin. At the age of 160, she was summoned into the world, in the kingdom of Arnor. She was confused at first and lost. Her humanoid appearance and general lack of bloodthirst allowed her to pass inspection on more than one occasion. As she wandered the kingdom, getting her bearings, she began to take a liking to human society. They didn't kill for everything and they did not war for the sake of it. She grew comfortable and made her home in the capital city. As the decades passed, she developed a circle of friends and contacts and even publicly revealed her demonic nature. Old, now dead, friends crafted her weapons and armor and she meticulously maintains them to this day, careful to keep them always battle ready. As the curse began to arrive once more and once she heard dragons reappeared, some necromancers thought it would be wise to attempt to take control of her. Their attempt would have been successful on most demons, but Altheia found out she was not like most demons. She held a much calmer demeanor and also held a far, far greater willpower. She had a necromancer friend who tested the limits of her willpower. He found her immune to all necromancy meant to control demons. Why, they couldn't tell, but it was a great boon for a woman content to defend her friends and offer to defend the kingdom when Undead champions were called upon. She decided to join the ranks of the Undead to assist in their destruction of the dragons. Covenant: None. Likely will not join one but is also restricted to "neutral" covenents