The Demon Lord watches with a faint twitch of his lips as she steps away, his mouth widening into a genuine smile as she challenges him. [b]"I am impressed, I will admit. Most would not be so cautious. But if you want a taste of what is to come..."[/b] Suddenly, in a flash of red, he's gone. In the same instant, a corresponding flash comes from behind Gwen, and Ar'khash reappears, stepping forward and slipping his arms around her waist. His chest is pressed against her back, and his hot breath rushes across her ear as he whispers: [b][i]"Then I will show you."[/i][/b] Suddenly, a rush of hot power flows through her from him. Crackling red sparks leap between her fingers, and outside the window the city is illuminated in countless points of blue, green and yellow lights, on the streets and in the buildings. [b][i]"The auras of every person out there. They change colour depending on mood, age, how good or evil a person is. Nobody could lie to you. Nobody could conceal a crime."[/i][/b] Now, the rush intensifies, and the lab is gone. Gwen is bombarded with a torrent of visions. A sinking ship, people on the shore screaming and crying. A second Gwen walks up to the sea, clad in a magnificent dress, and raises her hand. A red light glows, and the ship begins to rise from the water. The people stop screaming and crying and begin to cheer. Quickly, a chant forms, a chant of her name that slowly turns into all-out adulation as she sets the ship and all the crew safely on the beach. A prison, empty and unused. A courtroom, where a criminal sits before her. He says something, and his aura flashes. A lie. She shakes her head. The attendees of the hearing grin and nudge each other. Green grass blowing in the wind on a hill. A view of the sea and the land. The vison-Gwen snaps her fingers, and a host of demons, eight-foot brutes (all with distortions and deformities, but still extremely capable) immediately appear and begin to build. Within minutes, a shining palace is set upon the hill. Inside the palace, at sunset. A long table. Gwen sits in a throne at one end, wearing a dress even more beautiful and impressive than in the first vision. Down one side sit seven humans, instantly recognisable as the most powerful people in the world. On the other sit seven demons, all varying wildly in shape and form. One is massively fat and is shovelling food into its mouth at an obscene rate. One is nearly human-looking, and is shaped to fit Gwen's ideal of attractiveness. Another is asleep, drool running from its mouth. A fourth is huge, covered in spines. A fifth, even just in bearing, is incredibly arrogant, its expression as it looks on all those around the table that of someone who has found dog poo on the bottom of their shoe. A sixth has piles and piles of money around it, on the floor, the table and in its lap. The seventh is small and green, and is constantly staring at the food and possessions of the others. Through this final vision cuts the voice of Ar'khash, hot breath once again caressing her ear. [b][i]"See what you can become. The power to lift at a whim something that would normally never come off the ground. Infallible in judgement. Mistress of both humans and demons, whose leaders dine as one at your table."[/i][/b] He chuckles. [b][i]"I appreciate that all this is still nothing concrete, but there is a simple enough proof. The power you can feel coursing through you is but the tiniest sliver of what I possess. Use it. Lift a bench, throw a fireball. Then imagine what you could do with unlimited access to my energies."[/i][/b] Although he brings her out of the visions, he keeps hold of her and keeps the power flowing for her to draw on should she choose.