Altheia approached the gates soon after Sieg. The guards were not as quick to allow her entrance. So, she bared her teeth and showed her armament, telling them her intent to kill dragons alongside the Undead. They looked at her in disbelief but let her through as even though she was a demon, she was obviously a civil one desiring the same goal. They gave her a warning to not go on a rampage as expected and watched her until she left sight. The largeness of the city didn't strike Altheia as hard as it may others, considering her living in a capital city prior to travelling here. Her abnormal height also attributed to her feeling less antlike among the buildings. People around her, once they realized that she was not a normal human, began to give her a wide berth. The cleared sphere around her would have been far bigger if they realized she was a full-blooded demon. She also saw the woman in a blue robe and assumed she had a story relating to their goal, so she figured it best to tag along, from a safe distance of course.