Bear?! Where?! Anyways, howdy-doo Sir Awkthony! Thought I might pop in to say hello. :D I quite like your name. Heck, its got more thought to it than mine. Plus, it kinda has a nice ring to it. Also, *awkward highfive* yeeeaaaah another awkward person wooo! I'm also thinking of joining NaNoWriMo this year! Though, considering my lack of skill and endless supply of procrastination, I doubt I'll get much done, eheheh... If you haven't yet, it's good practice joining Camp NaNo. It's like NaNoWriMo, except with the option of a group of people helping you. If you ever wanna RP together or chat, don't be afraid to PM me! I'll be more than happy to respond. Happy roleplaying, Sir Awkthony!