[quote]you allowed us to come from anywhere right? As long as it's believable?[/quote] Yeah, the better your story is in the bio, the more likely i'll pass it. @Gowi, yeah I think at this point, with the amount of confusion surrounding the timeline, a section dedicated to it in the OP is necessary. @ Headphones, by 'remember' i meant I couldn't remember what year the OOC said he returned home (turns out, the OOC didn't say it at all). The problem arises because while most of this stuff is laid out in my head I've lost track how what information has already been provided, and what information i've negligected to provide yet. A problem entirely on my end, arising simply because that's a hell of a lot of content in OOC that was written in a relatively short time. A working timeline would remedy all of this. Yes, this RP is my creation through and through, so the other time you saw it, it was still under me. Unfortunately maybe I haven't been being as much attention to character ages as I ought to have, considering the sheer number of slip ups that've gotten by me. Of course back in the Interest Check I had asked for a co-gm to help me manage things, since this is a fairly fleshed out story with a good amount of characters. Considering the number of mistakes I've made I think it would serve well to get another manager into this before we go too far.