I most certainly did. I'm not sure if I have time to join this one, but I'm always happy to throw in some dice mechanics. The way AW works, you have five stats: Cool, Hard, Hot, Sharp, and Weird. These range from 0 to 3, meaning that unaugmented, you can at most roll 2d6+3 for a move. A move is some kind of fictional trigger, such as attacking someone, acting under fire, reading a situation, etc. When you do it, you roll and act on the result. All classes have moves of their own, and usually they can get boosts to other rolls as well. It's pretty simple overall, but it might have to be adapted to something more appropriate for the zombie apocalypse setting. I just stumbled upon [url=https://drive.google.com/folderview?ddrp=1&id=0B0a_iGRNRo6BVk5ZT0hoamtjcVE]this[/url], which might be a little elaborate for a play-by-post (and it uses playing cards rather than dice), but it should be possible to whittle it down to something usable. I'll get on it.