47 years ago: Sir Lazzerous (NPC) is born. 45 years ago: Lucien is born 34 years ago: Nyirr is born [hider=ages] Sir Lazzerous is 13 Lucien is 11 [/hider] Undefined time: Malfear murders several members of the Tower after being discovered with the Dark Arts and is hunted. Undefined time: Malfear escapes into the Northlands. Undefined time: Nyirr is sent to the tower. 29 years ago: Tegan is born in Snowhearth, Ferros. [hider=ages] Sir Lazzerous is 18 Lucien is 16 Nyirr is 5 [/hider] 27 years ago: Princess Katherine I of house Agenteus Sol is born. Lucien joins the Gorgon Rangers. [hider=age] Sir Lazzerous is 20 Lucien is 18 Nyirr is 7 Tegan is 2 [/hider] 24 Years ago: Raven is born 22 Years ago: Nitia (NPC) is born. Malfear enters Valeal, Skye's parents answer the call to arms. The war begins. Lucien becomes Commander of the Gorgon Rangers. [hider=ages] Sir Lazzerous is 25 Lucien is 23 Nyirr is 12 Tegan is 7 Princess Katherine is 5 Raven is 2 [/hider] 21 Years ago: Valeal is one year into the war. Genshal and Vednusdi (NPC) are born 19 Years ago: Valeal is three years into the war. Alaric is born to house Vastille of Gorgon. 18 years ago: Four years into the war against Malfear, the Gorgon king Arthur Blackwater commits Gorgonite forces to the war efforts, Lucien marches to war with his rangers. Skye's father becomes a necromancer and Skye is born in the barbarian camps of Malfear. Llyana Blackwater is born, youngest and last child of Arthur Blackwater. Kotori is born somewhere in Ferros and Emil is born in Oslo, Valeal. [hider=ages] Sir Lazzerous is 29 Lucien is 27 Nyirr is 16 Tegan is 11 Princess Katherine is 9 Raven is 6 Nitia is 4 Genshal is 3 Vednusdi is 3 Alaric is 1 [/hider] 16 years ago: Thomas Briar initiates a coup d'etet in Gorgon, igniting the Briar-Blackwater war. Arthur Blackwater withdraws his forces from the war on Malfear and marches back to Gorgon. Lucien betrays Gorgon and becomes a Necromancer. Valeal allows Malfear to escape into Ferros, where Malfear razes the lowlands. Sky and his mother escape into the Ferronian wilderness. Tegan begins her official training as a soldier. Nyirr, a newly appointed guardian, is sent to the frontlines against Malfear. 15 years ago: Seven years into the war against Malfear. The coup in Gorgon ends with the death of Arthur Blackwater, defeated in battle at King's/Traitors pass. Thomas Briar claims the Gorgon throne. Genshal's home is destroyed by war, and the Ferronian king is slain in battle. Princess Katherine I of house Agenteus Sol becomes Queen of Ferros. Itzli materializes in the world as a shade. [hider=ages] Sir Lazzerous is 32 Lucien is 30 Nyirr is 19 Tegan is 14 Princess Katherine is 12 Raven is 9 Nitia is 7 Genshal is 6 Vednusdi is 6 Alaric is 4 Emil is 3 Kotori is 3 Skye is 3 Lyana is 3 [/hider] 13 years ago: Ninth year in the war against Malfear. Tegan now fights in the front lines against Malfear as does Nyirr. 12 years ago: Malfear is slain, the war ends. The Mages Tower is reestablished in Oslo, Valeal and Lucien returns to Gorgon. [hider=ages] Sir Lazzerous is 35 Lucien is 33 Nyirr is 22 Tegan is 17 Princess Katherine is 15 Raven is 12 Nitia is 10 Genshal is 9 Vednusdi is 9 Alaric is 7 Emil is 6 Kotori is 6 Skye is 6 Lyana is 6 [/hider] 11 and a half years ago: Skye is taken into the Ferronian capital. Undefined Time: Emil is sent to the new tower to learn magic. 7 years ago: Alaric arrives at the Mages Tower in Oslo after he and Kotori are assaulted by a disgruntled fanatic. 6 years ago: Kotori arrives at the Mages Tower 3 years ago: Raven gains her freedom. 2 years ago: The Order of the Rose is established and quickly gains prominence 1 year ago: Emil's parents are burnt at the stake by the order of the rose. Recently ( in the past year or less): Alaric and Kotori graduate from the Tower as a hydromage and guardian. Peasant revolt in Valeal, leading to the creation of Valaria. Vespar falls and is under the control of Sir Elric Grey and The People’s Army (for Valaria). 6 months in the past: Tegan’s mage partner, Abe, is murdered by the Order of the Rose.