“Sorry about this…whoever you are. I’m sure you won’t mind too much.” Kiara muttered these very words to herself before summoning Volunta into her grip and plunging it into the window pane. After having a quick scope around the establishment, she found that no, there were no open windows in sight for her to use. Figures. She would just have to cut her way through, like all things. The weapon’s blade pierced through the glass without making a sound, acting almost like one of the latest models of beam swords. Cutting a large circular pathway for herself, Kiara gently removed the cut glass and slipped through the newly created entrance. So far so good. Well, that’s what she would have liked to believe. However, the world usually doesn’t play its rules by any one specific individual’s standards and desires; it just didn’t work that way. So of course, Kiara was only faintly surprised that the window was connected to the living room with the house’s resident still very much here. [i]“Shit,”[/i] she cursed in her mind, having landed directly the house resident’s red chair. A simple step…careful…if she had to fight, then she was more than willing to.