"No it wasn't really just polite banter, and we aren't exactly friends. But circumstances that I prefer not to talk about have come up, and it seems like this is the only thing I can do." Noboru felt slightly betrayed. Not only was he backed into a corner by his siblings, but Sachiko was pressuring him as well. He knew she meant well, but it didn't help any and made him a little edgy. "If you guys want to try and change my mind, go ahead, but I think this is the only thing that I can do right now. Besides, Like I said before school, If I ever had any major problems I would tell you guys. Is that alright?" Noboru's phone went off again, this time his parents sending him something. THe only time they would actually talk to him, it would be important, so he checked the message. [i]We got a date for the earliest possible time. They're saying sometime in between August and September. And could you pls tell your siblings? They don't reply ever.[/i] Noboru replied to the message, his heart lifting just the slightest.