Do you think this system would work with specific skills, rather than stats? I prefer it that way, because someone could be exceedingly sharp eyed, but if he's never picked up a gun he's not going to be much use. I'm thinking of using their stats: [quote]Cool: As in clear-thinking, calm, rational Hard: As in hard-hearted, aggressive, violent Hot: As in attractive, gracious, inspiring Sharp: As in smart, perceptive, educated Weird: As in uncanny, psychic, strange[/quote] Probably minus "Weird," and with the addition of various specific weapon skills. In ranged combat, you'll use your weapon skill, in close quarters and everywhere else you'll use the appropriate stat. Probably ranged skills will just be Handgun Rifle Bow Thrown And however points are assigned in the beginning, weapon skills and stats will be done separately. How many points do characters usually start off with using this system? I couldn't find anything on it in those pages.