He strode through the streets of Terrace with his destination at sight. He walked with a step that showed what he was doing but in truth he had no idea, in fact he hardly had any recollection of his old life before a few weeks ago. The little he knew was his own name and what he had picked up from others. He was cursed, branded by the Dark Sign meaning he was undead, some would view it as a blessing others a curse. A blessing for the person branded never truly dies, yet if one looses hope, then the true curse comes, the person looses all sanity and becomes hollow. Along with this grim truth was only one thing he remembered, the dying words of an ancient beast he slayed, the first dragon he ever killed. In its dying breath he heard it speak one word: [i]Crossbreed[/i] What this one word meant he did not know but he was determined to learn what it meant along with all the other things he had forgotten, even if it meant to kill every single dragon with his bare hands. His shield was enough to prove he was capable of slaying a dragon, it came from the same beast that gave him his new mission, the skull of the dragon with marks of what he could only assume were counts of the beasts he had killed in his three year journey. If that wasn't enough he could produce his bow which came from the bones of defeated animals and beasts with very few men being able to draw it and launch the greatarrows it fired. Along with these weapons, he also had a sword with a magnificent blue blade. A greatsword named Lunaira, a sword that had been passed from father to son for several generations in his family. This was the blade he used to slay many foes in his travels. His armor told the story of where he came from, the fact fur was part of the design proved he came from the kingdom Ural, the kingdom far to the north famous for it's discovery of cryomancy. He knew little of the magic but enough to help as a final defense in combat. He went up the steps of the Grand Citadel, taking off his armor and lifting up his shirt and turning around, showing the dark sign that marked him on his shoulder blade. Upon doing so he put the armor back on and entered walking through the throngs of others that were there. One person caught his eye, mostly because of all others who stood away from her. Why they did this he did not know but he would much rather stand in an open space then amongst the others so seeing an opportunity he managed to get out of the crowd and stand in the clear sphere that was made around the tall woman. He considered himself tall but she still stood another several inches higher then he, perhaps her size was why people kept clear, intimidated by her. He on the other hand did not mind and remained in the sphere awaiting for whoever would be giving them their task and telling them where to go.