Felix was still looking around at his surroundings having just stepped off of the shuttle. The area was dirty everywhere you looked. Stormtroopers ran by as they were getting into positions; for what no one knew for certain, but Felix had a pretty good idea. Off in the distance he could even here the faint *aaarrrrr* of TIE fighters. He'd only gotten perhaps ten yards from the landing pad before his comlink went off. The short *bee deep, bee deep* sound repeated itself until he finally answered. The voice which was on the other end was very formal. "Mr. Theros, I have your first assignment." Felix was used to having anonymous people give him orders, but this soon after arriving seemed a bit odd. How did anyone know he was here? "Who is this?" "I serve under Captain Loretta Riada," the voice on the other end responded. "My name is of no consequence." He searched his memory but couldn't recall ever hearing the name before. "Am I supposed to know who that is?" "Let's just say she's someone with authority over you on this world. Your mission is simple; capture a living rebel in the coming combat and bring him to us. After taking the prisoner, you will contact us through this number. Upon receiving your call we will transmit the coordinates of our location to you. Are we understood?" Felix wasn't sure which unsettled him more: the fact that this wasn't the Governor, or the fact that whoever this was knew there was a battle coming. But of course, what was most important came up in Felix's mind. "Wait just a second, we haven't even talked about my pay. I was supposed to negotiate with the Governor regarding my compensation." "That won't be necessary in this case, Captain Riada will be paying you for this task personally, and she is very generous. Your work with her and your work with the Governor will be two separate areas. Do everything she asks, do it well, and you will be rewarded." Felix had to admit, the offer sounded too good to pass up. It also sounded terribly suspicious. Thankfully Felix had learned long ago to forget about questions and focus on the credits. He grasped at the necklace still hidden behind his shirt. "Inform the Captain she'll have her rebel." The man on the other end expressed his gratitude and then hung up. Felix placed the comlink back into his pocket and turned to walk down the dusty street. Questions flew through his mind as they often do, and he ignored them immediately as he often does.