It was roughly three hours passing before Arameus was comfortable enough to bring himself to look about, he'd spent the first hour keeping what little he had in his stomach from coming back up, then the second hour in a near heated discussion about the riding of horses, warhorses and Dragons, "Aye I did hear Lord Merrik state that riding horses is nothing like riding a Dragon, I'm merely saying that a Knights warhorse is not merely a horse... in order to balance both shield and lance, a Knight must lead the warhorse in the direction its rider wants him to go by applying pressure of knee and spur, for instance, should I want my horse to turn right, I would press in with my right knee, with my right toes in behind his front leg, I should i want him to wheel sharply right, I would press right knee in with right heel in and a rake of the spur, so although riding a horse may not be the same, I am certain that balance would be comparable". [ [i]A word of warning Knight, rid yourself of those spurs[/i] ] was Alysias solemn reply before continuing after a moments pause, [ [i]On your horse there is only to the left and two the right, forward and back to be concerned with, here in the air you have left, right, forward, back, but also up and down and varying angles of attack, for instance with a dip of my wing, we would instantly drop to the left, a move I shall not do now simply for the fact that I do not care to have the contents of your stomach on the back of my neck. Up here both Dragon and Rider must take into account the air currents, up drafts, down drafts, ground swells, its not merely a matter of balance, but both our thoughts and minds thinking as one without hesitations, falling a few feet to the ground off the back of your precious warhorse is nothing compared to falling several hundred feet to the ground from off the back of my neck... you would do well to forget what you have been taught and take heed of Lord Merrik's training... there is no longer time to seek a replacement for you if you don't[/i] ], after her final words both remained silent. Arameus had never given a moments thought to the day dreaming of what it was like to fly for the simple reason he wasn't able to fly. As a young lad he'd look up to the sky and see a hawk soaring on the wind high above, but only then all he would do is wonder what the view of the world was like from up that high, just seconds before being thumped on the top of his head and sternly reminded to keep his thoughts on his training by his mentor. Riding on the back of Alysias neck was becoming quite comfortable if not too much so and he found himself nearly dozing a time or two much to his chagrin. He steeled his nerves and forced himself to look around, the view was breathtaking, the fields of farm crops below from this height, looked almost like a patchwork of quilts, in the distance he could see a river winding back and forth across the green landscape and what struck him the most was how serene everything seemed to be. He panicked slightly as Alysia suddenly decended and landed alongside the other Dragons and riders in front of Lord Merrik. [b]I welcome you all to your new home. This garden was born many, many centuries ago. This stable is as old as the Order itself and was built by the my ancestor Merrikhai Tetra from the wood of an ancient grove of white oak trees. The magic in their strong limbs offered protection from any outsiders. None can hear our words here, not can spy into our activities, and none can harm us. These grounds are sacred. You will respect them will the entirety of your heart and soul and keep deep thanks in your minds for the security they offer us in a darkening world. Not even the dark lord can penetrate these ancient magicks, though do not assume he has not, and will not continue to try".[/b] [b]"In the stables before you, each of you will have an assigned stall and a loft above it to call your own. The stall in the far back on your left has been converted into a kitchen, the one on the left into a wash house divided into two for the males and females. At all times, you will keep your living quarters in acceptable condition. If I find so much as one plate of rotting food or a pile of laundry letting off its stench, you’ll pay for it in your training. In the center of the meadow, within the ring of white oak trees is a table. From tomorrow, and every day from then on when we are at this meadow, we will meet there for dinner. It will be a time to discuss and strategize as a group. Your training is important, make no mistake, but it is also important for you all to get accustomed to one another, for we won’t often go our separate ways. There is already a feast set out for you to enjoy, you’ve all done exceptionally well today. For today, and today only, you’ll have the evening to do as you please. Be sure to clean up after yourselves when you’re done. I am not your keeper and this is your home now; treat it as such. Your dragons are of course free to hunt whenever they choose, but for the time being, none of the tamers are to leave the meadow. Eat, wash up, explore, acquaint yourselves. The evening is yours. I will retire to my quarters now as I have work to tend to. Should any of you have questions or anything you’d like to discuss, mine is the first stall on your left. Pay respect to Obsidian Nova when you pass through his quarters. On the wall, beneath your nameplates outside your stalls, you’ll find a training schedule. Learn it well for you’ll be repeating it every day from tomorrow until this war is over. I suggest you turn in early, the morning comes quickly and the training is no walk in the woods. Now, I take my leave. Good evening".[/b] the thought of food, even after having a quizzy stomach from the flight seemed appealing and a good opportunity to introduce and meet the other Tamers. After removing the riding strap and seeing as to where their assigned stall/loft was, Alysia's took her leave to hunt and he made his way over to the ring of white oaks and examined the table, an array of meats, breads, cheeses and fruits lay spread out across the table. Not wanting to be rude or display poor manners, he took up a goblet of wine and had a sip or two to settle his stomach and waited for the Lady riders to take a place at the table before partaking of the feast provided,he took a short walk and admired the layout, the surroundings were immaculate and could easily be mistaken for the royal gardens at the Kings palace, he was admiring a particular section of brilliantly colored flowers when suddenly without warning he felt instantly ill. The taste of hot blood and warm raw meat filled his mouth and senses, doubling him over and causing him to heave, after a moment or two, he wiped his mouth and straightened up and growled, "Being as one in flight I can handle...being as one when you eat I can do without, thank you very much... dont think I'll be able to eat for a week after that", he hastily said before the need to heave took hold of him again. In the back of his mind came a distant sounding, [ [i]my apologies[/i] ], once he felt her thoughts blocked he turned and went back to the table, curious as to how far apart a Dragon and Tamer could be before not being able to feel them, something which would be handy to know he surmised as he neared the circle of white Oaks.