"[b]It's Tuesday.[/b]" interupted Aurellius after he had taken a few moments to admire the the spectacle that had beheld their gazes. Bookworm seemed to have a pretty nice touch, even if it took him a long ass time to do anything. The pillar of ice had completely trapped the giant inside of its icy grasp. It really was pretty cool, though. He would have gone with something more dramatic, though. A pillar of ice just didn't have the same flare as a pillar of... say, a pillar of cheese curds or something. He almost chuckled at his own thoughts, but held it in. It wouldn't do him well to look weird in front of his companions. He tore his eyes away from the ice pillar, taking a good hard look at their resident pincushion. Aslin seemed pretty messed up, and was contesting for most injured out of all of them. He didn't even have any scratches on him, but the girl looked like she was hit by a truck. "[b]She'll be fine. Just have Bookworm over there sprinkle a bit of his magical fairy dust on her, and she'll be up and ready to get another thrashing.[/b]" He gave her a slightly hard smack on the back, to more or less try and reassure her. Even though it probably wouldn't do any good. "[b]I think we should probably get going, though. We're already behind schedule, and none of us want any more Grimm showing up. Except for me. I really wouldn't mind it at all.[/b]" He smirked, hefting Ascalon over his shoulder. "[b]By the way, Bookworm. You did good with the magic ice pillar thingy. Not as flashy as it coulda been though, but if you'd like lessons, come to me after this mission.[/b]" "Lessons?" Esprum innardly huffed, looking straight at Aurellius. "I did what I could with the supplies I had." Aurellius chuckled. "[b]I mean, you coulda at least spun something a little more grand. Why not have had the ice spikes simply impale the big bad wolf?[/b]" It seemed like the Bookworm didn't like his answer. "Don't you think it may be useful to make use of the giant's bones?" His expression unchanged, and emotion hidden under the spectacles. "[b]Now what in the hell would this thing's bones do for us? I mean, sure, you could make some sick ass greatsword out of it, but other than that, nada.[/b]" he responded. "...Whatever. Next time, I'll let you stop the giant monster. Let's get moving." Aurellius scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning around. Well, nothing he could do about it if his grand ideas confused the minds of lesser mortals. He waved a hand to the others, gesturing for them to follow him. "[b]And by the way, I coulda just taken it out if you asked me. It would've required a lot less Dust and a little more 'creative ingenuity'. Come on, lads and ladies, time to go down the rabbit hole.[/b]" He laughed, poking his lance into the air.