After setting up a character dump and wandering the vast expanse of Free and Casual roleplay for a good few hours, I realized something: there are a lot of apocalypse roleplays. I also realized something else: there are hardly any creative ones. That's why I have come up with a few "creative" ideas and by a few I mean 2. IDEA 1: A mix between some of the more popular "sub-apocalypses". Basically, a Fallout-like setting (probably more similar to New Vegas in setting.) However, along with all the monsters and bandits are the undead. The roleplay has no "climax" or goal. Just draw up your character, get 5000 currency (maybe dollars, maybe something else) and gamble it away or shoot things. Good old pointless slaughter. Not my best idea, but it's an idea. IDEA 2: The classic, cliche zombie apocalypse. However, I have two different twist ideas for this, both of which differ greatly. 2A: The first is that the zombies are incredibly powerful and vicious, but similar to PROTOTYPE, each character has a unique mutation to help them stay alive. The characters are immune to the disease (the mutations come from the disease in their bloodstream), but aren't immune to death. 2B: The other is the even more cliche multiverse situation, where characters from movies, TV, books and video games have to fight adversity, each other, the undead and the disease. Please tell me if you show any interest in this.