Trixie looked at the woman and sighed. So this woman was in a situation similar to her own situation, but apperently even worse. She had nowhere to live, even though she had just recently lost her job. Not having a job and therefor no way to gain money for anything at all, was a very difficult thing. Of all people, Trixie knew that all too well. "That doesn't make it appropriate for one to damage the windows of another to break into their house." She answered. Unemployed or not, what this woman had done was wrong, and she shouldn't try to justify her actions or blame it onto her current situation. But even then, how could Trixie refuse this woman her help, knowing so well what she was going through? Letting out another sigh, Trixie looked up to her again. "I can't offer you much; I'm at the moment hardly able to take care of myself, let alone someone else. You can stay here a few days and I will not ask you to answer any question you do not wish to answer, but only if you return that favor." She said. "My name is Trixie, by the way." She then added.