A door slammed inside the room. The Doctor hoped Nora was safe on the other side of it. The man said something that Nora's small amount of time on the TARDIS allowed her to understand. "Open the door and no harm will come to you." A lie. It always is. The Doctor leaped over the unconscious bodies in the door way. "Well hello there. I believe we haven't met." Her voice was charismatic. She sounded in charge. "I'm the Doctor, and you are not welcome here. This is the bride's room." She gestured to the unconscious woman on the floor. "I've heard of you. Bed time stories. I thought you were male though." "Stories don't get everything right." She flashed a grin at the man. "Now see here, if you have heard stories, let me tell you they are true." The Doctor suddenly sounded dangerous. All that weird and unhinged that Nora had been picking up earlier in the day bled through and instead of just unhinged the Doctor sounded completely in control of her insanity. Was just a breath away from all of the universe being under her control if she wanted. This man was an ant in the universe and the Doctor could hold a magnifying glass over him if she wished. "Here's the deal. You leave right now, with your buddy and I won't prove to you how true the stories are." "Here's my deal, you step out of the way Doctor and when we take this planet we'll let you live." "Guess it's lucky for me you can't eat me. I'm not human. I'm a Time Lord. You see it's been bugging me, I've been trying to figure out what you are and finally it clicked. You're parasites. Back before the Time War your race was nothing. It had only a single planet it harvested from, but it was a controlled harvest. Now you're like locusts. Eating everything you cross. Everything but Time Lords, we kept you in check." "And now you don't. Now we eat, and we are so hungry." A cracking sound from the other side of the door, and Nora didn't hear the Doctor's voice again. "Nora, your sister and your friend are coming with us. You have a choice. Come with us willingly, or I will break down that door and drag you out of there. I will drain your air from you, and then we'll take you anyway."