“Oh, uh, heh, sorry about that. I didn’t think that you’d actually open the door for a complete stranger.” Kiara tried to shrug it off, taking one more glaring look at the open window behind her. Noticing some curtains pushed over to the side, she pulled them out and carefully covered the large gaping hole to keep out the cold. “There, it looks brand new! Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to pay for it eventually.” Crossing her arms behind her head Kiara walked closer to the AI and spun around slowly to get a good long look at her new home. If she needed to make a quick escape, she need to be sure there were viable exits. [i]“I can't offer you much; I'm at the moment hardly able to take care of myself, let alone someone else. You can stay here a few days and I will not ask you to answer any question you do not wish to answer, but only if you return that favor. My name is Trixie, by the way."[/i] “Trixie huh? That’s a nice name for a robot. You must have been one of those fancy ones who work at the train stations, right? Man they pay big money for that kind of work.” Grinning, the coat-clad girl brought her hand forward to shake. “Name’s Kiara. Just…Kiara.” Best not to give her full name, and she was confident she could take her down if Trixie did turn her over to the Imperium. “So Trixie, do you live here alone?”