[center] [img=http://s6.postimg.org/xm3kv16nl/Anime_With_Whip_1.jpg] [i] Strikingly straight golden locks (Minus the static ones that always stuck to her armor) that is 99% of the time bounded by a high ponytail to mask the hump of her fox-like ears. She is slender and lanky, topping the height of 5’7. The origins of her humanoid race appears to be a mixture of European and Asian. [/i] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png] Full Name Ayaka Aikawa Cho "colorful flower" (彩花) Japanese [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Fake Name Talia Killajara [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Nickname(s) None [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Gender Female [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Age 275 Years ( 17 human years) [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Year Year 1 [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Birthday December 25th [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Astrological Sign Capricorn [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Species Kitsune Japanese folklore describes kitsunes (“Fox spirits”) as beings in which wisdom increase with intelligence, faithful guardians, lovers, housewives- Ayaka is similar to this, minus the faithfulness and “love” part. She of the classification “yako”, which are malicious and mischievous (see history) . Kitsunes, as well as having beautiful fox-like features of a human can literally morph into a fox, similar to the ones spotted in a forest. They only have difficulties of hiding their tails when in human form during intoxication or carelessness which are only a few of the ways to discern their true nature. Their powers and strength are determined by the number of tails they have (ayaka has 2). Kitsunes with 9 tails gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world. Other tales credit them with infinite wisdom (omniscience). [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Class Fighter/ Mage, Depending on her form and weapon [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Weapon Major Weapon (human): the whip. It causes mere scratches to amputations, depending on the desperation and danger of the owner. The whip seems to have a mind of its own, slithering as if it were a snake tethered to a handle, at time can alter its length during battle to reach its enemies or even change temperatures to extremes. The whip cannot be used by anyone- It was a family heirloom, where ayaka was chosen by the whip out of the litter she was born into. When retrieved or touched by a stranger, The whip is no more effective than a belt, growing dim and lifeless. Minor Weapon (Fox): Ayaka’s defense as a fox does little for her, only being able to alter sound to a degree. No, it is not some piercing sound that bursts eardrums, causing the victim to crumple to the floor deaf as they try to flee her puny, cat-like claws. As much as Ayake looks forward to that, She can only try to deceive people with harmless sound or distract them. This makes this fox truly sly. [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]World Earth [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Short Biography Kitsune myths originated from Japan, dated back as far as fifth century BC. They were said to have lived close to humans under the influence of friendship or even marriage- This was the case for her human mother and part human farther. While human blood may slightly taint the family’s bloodlines, it hasn’t affected their abilities more than having a easier time shifting into one. Ayaka enjoyed her childhood, however she and her siblings grew up, knowing that this period in their life would be short and sweet, as it would be for all kitsunes across the world. They were to go out into the world alone, meant to slowly infect the human populations everywhere with kitsune bloodlines so that one day the whole world may be just like them. Ayaka thought of that life as greedy, unaccepted, and… Plain boring. Ayaka seeks to “play” with humans in other means. After all, there is a reason why the Japanese government is in debt and stagnate with corrupted leaders… and the occasional [i] dead [/i] leader. Ayaka isn’t well known between her whip, the sly form of a fox, and her budding shape shifting abilities, she might as well be the downfall of Japan. [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Personality Akaya isn’t necessarily some heartless, cold-blooded killer, just a bored human..er, fox that choses to entertain herself in controversial means. As a matter of fact, Akaya comes off as a sweet, innocent being, as delicate as a flower. Ayaka can thank her kitsune blood for her intelligence , otherwise she would come off as some dreamy, empty-minded as she is normally portrayed as. She is commonly faced with the troubles of stuttering over or mumbling her words, basking in the ocean of shame when she has failed to meet the requirements of being a “normal” human. However… her favorite means of killing. has been decapitation! (omits gory details here). There is one other point of concern with the kitsune- when she grips her whip, she becomes her victum’s nightmare. [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Partner To be decided [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) -Ayakas weakness would always be her tiny fox form that hasn’t had enough time to grow into something to be feared. Her paws cannot grip weapons and can only depend on running away or emitting sounds to defend her. -Fears bananas and lady bugs, for whatever reason [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits -The more skillfull the kitsune, the more forms they can shift into, such as another human they have seen. - Any source of music occasoinally goes off in the Kitsunes presence. -Great sense of hearing [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/247/f/d/___free_pink_flower_bullet___by_strawberrrylatte-d5djd4p.png]Other -Closet Bisexual -Ironically has a pet silver fox. any fox, whether kitsune or actual fox, she can communicate with telepathically. [img=http://www.vandpscents4u.com/www.vandpscents4u.com/Home_files/roseVine-2.png][/center]