( Hello, I resently foudn people for Another of my interest and now feel like I have more ideas needing players.. I'm Casual to Advanced myself and Can really write up to any extent for ideas I burn for. and I'm Pretty much looking for people to match that. It dosen't have to be much for certain situation while others can extend for as long as we Desire. I am Open to pretty much anything with only a few exceptions, and usually expect my partner to set the limits. But I want these Rp's to be Mature and open in that way, I don't like fading out anything... And I don't like kiddy games. Some of my rp's may have lots of 'Mature' content while some may have less of it, more or less they will Always have it to some extent. Thus this is what I am looking for right now. *Shortenings* MC= My character. YC= Your Character. ~~~ YC= FemaleXMC Male [BeastXMistress] YC is a pretty regular female that lives in a World where magic and magical beings exists and is as normal as drawing breath. Yet Yc have Little magical abilities what so ever and is quite frustrated because of it... Now however she have the chance to recieve her own Magical Pet... or at least she Believes it is a pet when she sent in her order for one... But it turns out that what she actually orders is a Highly Intulectual creature with high magical capabilities, also called a 'Guardian Force, or Guardian Entity... Basically something Mages at rare times summon to usually guard important things, or themselves. Now it seems that this 'GE' happens to take the term 'bonding' very serious... And expect YC to compensate it for its services properly... The simple twist is that the Contract cannot be broken upon signing... and the beast is constantly looking for things it can demand compensation for... And as yc don't really have much other things it want... it have descided that you are to be its compensation.... In short, YC is a Mistress to a Guardian entiyy, but due to its High Demands the mistress may now quickly end up as a Slave to her beast... the plot will be highly mature. THe Beast may be anything you want, if you don't mind either, It will be a Panther. ~~ More to Come