Although Trixie wasn't fond of fighting and weapons, she had to admit that in a certain way it felt good to know the girl owned one, yet at the sane time, not so much. Of course she was right, she could protect them, but she could also use the weapon to harm Trixie whenever she felt like it. Kiara asked if Trixie could show her around in the house, at which she nodded. First she headed to the kitchen, which was rather empty. "I suppose you understand that you and I are two different beings and feed ourselves in separate ways. Therefor, I'm afraid there's not much edible here for you. If it is though, feel free to eat it. I won't have use for it, anyway." She said, before showing the other rooms. The bathroom was equally simple, with maintenance items such as oil rather than wellness products that would be of any use for a human. Trixie suggested that Kiara could use the larger bedroom, telling her she'd only need to able to recharge in the bedroom anyway and that as long as that was possible, she was good with it.