Somewhere, far away from Trixie’s own home, a man clad in all black walked casually down the sideways of the bustling city. Bright lights and neon colors of all shades flashed above him, though the man in black payed no heed to their disturbance. Tipping his fedora downward, he smirked. “Well now. It appears our contact is late. What do you suggest we do then Giltwith?” The man turned his innocent grin over to the younger male tagging behind him. Dressed in the garments and coat of a warrior, the red-eyed boy was easily identifiable as a Knight of the Imperium. The two had been sent to rendezvous with another fellow Knight from a different division; one that would assistant them in their hunt for what their Superior labeled as the Catalyst. Meeting his mismatched gaze, Giltwith showed no immediate emotion as he answered. “We wait Spencer. I’m sure Miss Thorne will meet us soon enough.” The older man shrugged lazily. “Ah. Waiting it is then. How very boring.” Back in Trixie’s home, the red-headed existence known as Kiara nodded her head in acceptance at all ground rules and placement of other objects. Seeing as it wasn’t her home, she needed to at least repay what little money she had in respect. “Seeing as you live alone, I’m just gonna assume that I take the couch then?”