Joshua happened to look up from his conversation with the Woad Maiden and caught the glance of the red haired female, though the countenance of her face shown not a sign of recognition, her eyes betrayed a knowledge of understanding, that in fact what she thought she might of heard was indeed what she had heard. For a moment this puzzled him, she would of had to of been among Elven before to of had recognized what she thought to of heard now to be Elven,but yet she looked much too young to have been alive during the time the Elven last walked among the humans. Joshua's thoughts were interrupted with the entrance of the King and his heart grew heavy as he watched the man make his way to the throne. The once proud and noble bearing that commanded respect now seemed tired and worn, shoulders once broad and strong now seemed stooped and weak from years of bearing the burden of running a Kingdom. The once muscular physique from years of training and battle, now obese and soft by even longer years of inactivity, age was not kind to humankind, even less so to one whom bore the weight of a Kingdoms survival, but although the King may not now be the man he once was, there was still a fire and determination in his eyes that told of a formidable adversary still within the aged body that would battle onto death anyone or anything that threatened his Kingdom and people. Once again his attention was drawn back to the red haired woman as the King called upon her to speak, the fact that he not only knew her, but her Father as well meant she and her family held a measure of influence and prestige at the Kings court, something that would make her quite formidable in her own right when it came down to whom would actually recover the lost cup, for it was his intentions the cup never to return to human hands again, least they ever discover its true powers and bring forth the wrath of the gods down upon themselves and the rest of the world. He turned to look briefly at the Woad Maiden and pondered why she was here, had the Elves come to a similar conclusion?, enough time later for such questions, he concluded then turned to hear what any others or the King might have to say.