I was gonna wait 24 hours but I think 21-22 is enough, so I'm posting the IC now, and you should all know it's just a minor prelude to the individual party intros. Also, an old thing I forgot to say and new thing: After all groups have been activated, I will put all characters in the IC for reference purposes only. This will make it easier when you meet other groups or people and we don't have to keep sharing them, and it'll be your job to find out who is who outside of your group (unless you don't want to know) when you come upon them. I suppose you can look at them before then, but using any information on someone's sheet is not allowed unless it's been shared IC so I'd prefer you didn't. To this point, I have a question: Should I post abilities and biographies too or just some basic information like I was planning on? (The questions I had you add will not be in the entry) Secondly, I think about a week or two (time will honestly depend on how quickly your post times are) I'll create individual game-threads for each party. I'm not doing so until a certain time has passed for reasons I feel are important enough that I'm willing to flood all of our inboxes, but mostly for observation and privatization of the starting parts and also because I expect most group departures to be at the beginning (which you should also keep in mind when it starts to annoy you). While we're in messages, however, I will be making a game-thread for every time groups meet. Edit: *Finally posts one hour later* I took out a section and split it around a bit. I'm pretty sure I'm just making it worse, but I can't stop editing stuff. xD And it doesn't seem like any group is completely here... that's unfortunate. I am probably going to start one anyway, seeing as I've only given one day of notice and I can't expect everyone to be on as much as me -- usually people have stuff to do. >_>