Akira watches as Allura walks over to the smithy with the metallic staff in hand, in the event of a battle it was sure to pack a punch. Upon hearing when the weapons would be ready for their collection he goes to exit the smithy alongside Allura. Although he was almost brought to the same instantaneous as Allura was by the town folk. After hearing what Allura asks Akira simply replies "Somewhere we can get the supplies we need with being under their judgement... which may take a while to find. I can tell that merely our presence here is causing quiet the disturbance." Akira looks up and down the street, as best he could from the view he could obtain with the masses of people obstructing it due to either their continuous moving, or in most cases the lack of it. "alternatively we can keep our heads ducked down in a tavern somewhere and wait until later in the day, then once there's less people we can go about our business undisturbed." As Akira spoke a young man approached them, he didn't look much passed his late teens/early adulthood as he stops directly in front of Akira. "What are you two even still doing here?!" The man's voice was full of anger and hatred and it seemed he wasn't going to hold back. "We're here to gather supplies and get our equipment fixed." Akira replies keeping his calm in this non-threat situation. "Well you should hurry up and get gone! We don't need people like you here!" Akira chucks softly before almost repeating what he'd just said. "We'll leave when we're ready to leave, no sooner, you should try to accept that." "Yeah well people like you always bring trouble to this town! You're not welcome here, and you never will be!" As the man finishes what he has to say he spits on Akira's armour before turning and walking away. Akira sighs as he grips some his shirt beneath the armour on his wrist and wipes down the area that had been spat on. "Well that was certainly enlightening." He mentions the Allura before clearing his throat to prevent himself from coughing again. "Although these people don't pose any threat to us we may as well heed their words before someone decides to resort to bloodshed." Akira looks up, it appeared some towns folk had been waiting merely for someone to say or do something about the pair, as some of the crowd had returned to their daily lives merely ignoring the pair of them. "So I suppose when they deem something a small time problem they'll just ignore it until it goes away. Such is the life of the inhabitants of a town such as this one I suppose. Well then shall we get moving?" Akira asks before passing Allura a smile and heading down the street looking for any market vendor who might be peddling goods they're after. His main concern was food, something that would last a good amount of time, there was no guessing how long they'd have to go before reaching another town. Then there was the issue of new camping equipment, seeing as Akira had pretty much destroyed all of Allura's supplies on the night they met. Then lastly, the thin that was likely to be the most difficult with the towns hostilities, information gathering, they couldn't stay in town for long so finding work was clearly out of the question. What they needed was rumours or proof of nearby ruins and underground passages that had been raided and captured by the likes of Orcs and Goblins, if there was any loot to be had, those would be the places to find them.